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Hollywood, CA- Chase Atlantic is an up and coming Alternative R&B group from Australia made up of brothers Mitchel and Clinton Cave and longtime friend Christian Anthony. Though none of these young gents are old enough to legally buy a beer at the bar, they’ve got musical talent in spades. So much so, they were able to ink a deal with Warner Bros. Records last year, and are scheduled to drop their debut full-length album later this year.
What seems to separate these young musicians from other musical hopefuls is the fact that they write, play and produce every note on every track in their repertoire. When kids their age are trying to sneak into parties in college, they’re in the studio developing their sound and putting together what they hope will be an album that will not only satiate their Aussie fan-base, but also open the ears of new fans in the U.S.
I’ll be honest, when I attended their opening slot gig at The Roxy on June 21st, 2017, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect in terms of how engaging their live performance would be. What I didn’t have a doubt of, based on their sensually inclined sonics, was that those in attendance for them would be women. I was right. The attendees that I spoke with that were there specifically for Chase Atlantic were young women who discovered the band’s music through music streaming portals like Spotify.
Their live performance matched the sensual mood of their music. The stage lighting (which was, for the most part, set at extremely low) instantly created a bedroom vibe that complimented the sonics of their tracks. As Mitchel Cave cooed melodies from center stage, his bandmates Clinton and Christian flanked him while playing their instruments, saxophone/synths and electric guitar respectively. Some of the young ladies in the audience, after repeatedly begging Christian to take his shirt off, had their fantasy come true as midway during the performance, he peeled his sweat soaked shirt from his body to the squeals of many in the audience, raising the temperature of the room a few degrees up.
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Chase Atlantic @ The Roxy 6/21/17. Photo gallery and thoughts coming soon to @BlurredCulture. pic.twitter.com/XKztMxaFib
— Derrick K. Lee (@methodman13) July 3, 2017