My Friends Were Right … Mating Ritual Is Pretty Damn Good
ECHO PARK, CA- Mating Ritual was the solo project of Pacific Air’s Ryan Lawhon. I had heard a lot of positive things about Mating Ritual from another Blurred Culture contributor, so when I heard that they were asked by Swimm to perform a set at…
Positive Polished Vibes Abound With FAARROW At Girlschool
CLICK HERE FOR MORE THE GIRLSCHOOL 2018 COVERAGE! LOS ANGELES, CA- FAARROW is Iman & Siham Hashi are FAARROW, and they were an absolute joy to watch perform at Girlschool. Born in Mogadishu, Somalia and feeling from their native land to escape civil war, these two…
UK singer Kinnoha has some Hot Sauce to spice up Valentines Day
The London based singer and songwriter hasn’t held back on this latest song, which has just been released. Kinnoha cracked open the Hot Sauce just in time for St Valentines Day, and based on the feeling the song gives, you’ll understand why! “Hot Sauce is…
Aaron Cohen – Bloodshot ft. Jarren Benton (Official Video)
Aaron Cohen is as official as a referee with a whistle. This track and the video are as hard as steel. Take a listen and a watch then let me know how you feel. Aaron Cohen’s new video “Bloodshot ft. Jarren Benton” is the third video…
Girlschool Is More Than Just Music; It’s Messages And Meaning
LOS ANGELES, CA- From February 2nd through 4th, the Bootleg Theatre hosted Girlschool’s annual weekend-long event which is described as a “music and ideas festival with a mission: to celebrate, connect, and lift women-identified artists, leaders, and voices.” Though I was unable to attend the…
Love Was In The Air For SWIMM To Love You Down
LOS ANGELES, CA- Following the success of last year’s Love You Down mini-fest, Swimm kicked off 2018 with its sophomore incarnation at The Echo with a fantastically curated line-up of local talent. But at the end of the day, the capacity crowd was there have Chris,…
Cloud Castle Lake’s Atmospheric Sonics Graced Hotel Cafe
HOLLYWOOD, CA- I don’t often head out into Hollywood to catch a band play on a Monday night when my day job has me going crazy with unrelenting deadlines, but I just had a feeling in my gut that I’d find some soul soothing respite…
Crow Capped Off The Third Night Of LWR’s Residency At The Echoplex
ECHO PARK, CA- Lauren Ruth Ward‘s residency at the Echo/Echoplex was more than just a chance for her to flex her seemingly otherworldly talents. It was also an opportunity for a number her talented friends to showcase their music to an audience that they perhaps would…
The Soulful Sonics Of Wafia Echoed Through The Masonic Lodge At Hollywood Forever
HOLLYWOOD, CA- When I first heard Wafia’s delicate Soprano voice dance over the opening synth chords of her single “Only Love”, I was smitten. Her pristine diction and syncopated delivery was hypnotic and I literally looped that song a half a dozen times before I…
Sir Sly Gives Los Angeles A Visceral Adrenaline Fueled Performance
LOS ANGELES, CA- I’ve seen a handful of my music peers post about Sir Sly on social media over the years, but for some reason I never took the time to check out their music. That all changed when I was able to catch them…