Italians Love Cannabis Light. What Is It?
In Italy, laws around the sale and use of cannabis remain in flux. But it’s still possible in many locations to buy what is known as “cannabis light,” a low-dose THC product. A new study shows Italians are buying it up like de-caf espresso, using…
The Fart That Ended in Aggravated Assault
According to the Miami Herald, 37-year-old Shanetta Yvette Wilson let out a loud fart in a dollar store, and when someone called her out on it, she pulled a knife on him; said she was going to gut him. She wound up charged with aggravated…
Rare Halloween ‘Blue Moon’ is a spooky treat for us all
This is a truly special confluence of spookiness; a Halloween full moon visible for most time zones on Earth hasn’t happened since 1944, according to the Farmers’ Almanac. It won’t happen again until 2039. But wait, there’s more: The Oct. 31 full moon also happens to be…
Netflix is testing a ‘Shuffle’ button, because we’re tired of picking what to watch
Does your Netflix home screen — you know, the one with your user profiles — now have a “Shuffle Play” button? That’s because Netflix is actually planning to bring a shuffle feature to its collection of streaming movies and TV shows, letting you avoid yet another argument…
SpaceX Crew Dragon launch … TAKE 2!
“Black People Are Not Allowed In China”
After five Nigerians tested positive for COVID-19 in Guangzhou, China, the government ordered all residents of African descent to quarantine for 14 days, a move that led to businesses and landlords to issue evictions and bans that many in the African community said were based on discrimination….
The Corona Virus aka The Chinese Communist Party Virus is ravaging the world but in China it’s death toll could be near one million. The CCP Virus has been underreported and lied about by the CCP and it’s state controlled media. The Chinese people and the people…
Coronavirus is not the flu. It’s worse much.
Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, has similar symptoms to the flu. They also spread in similar ways. So it’s natural to want to compare the two. But Covid-19 is very different, in ways that make it much more dangerous. And understanding how is…
California classifies cannabis industry as ‘essential’ during state’s effective lockdown
Under a clarification document Gov. Gavin Newsom issued late Friday, all licensed cannabis businesses in California can continue with business as usual during an effective statewide lockdown implemented in response to the coronavirus outbreak. The decision to categorize cannabis companies as “essential” in effect provides an economic…
China Is Lying About Covid-19
As the Wuhan coronavirus explodes all over the globe, the international community is increasingly critical of China’s handling of the outbreak. Since the beginning, the Communist Party’s secrecy and incompetence have led to this crisis slipping out of control. Many believe the Chinese government is…