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Blues Traveler at KAABOO 2016, September 18th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP: In August this year, Blues Traveler’s frontman John Popper underwent emergency spinal surgery to avoid paralysis after discovering 3 collapsed vertebra in his neck. Thankfully, the surgery was successful and he was back on stage with his blues traveling brethren to share in joy of the band’s infectious alternative pop.

Blues Traveler delighted the KAABOO crowd that congregated to their late afternoon performance with a set that included their biggest hits “But Anyway” and “Run-Around”, but those in the audience let their collective hair down when the band ventured into extended  jam band moments of musical freedom. I caught several distinct whiffs of marijuana during their set, and those smells, together with their sonic barrage, transported me back to my freshman year of college.

Though that moment of personal recollection may have been fleeting, lasting only so long as the music and aroma filled the air, it made me notice that the band, for the most part, was filled with the players I remembered from my younger days. J0hn Popper, Brendan Hill and Chan Kinchla were all on stage, and though the hair on their heads may have been a little grayer, they still filled their music with the kind of youthful exuberance that drew me to them back in the day.

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