13 Mar 2025

Sevdaliza – “The Formula” (Short Film)

Never one to work within borders, Iranian multi-medium artist Sevdaliza marries new music and visuals together for short film, The Formula. Featuring Sevdaliza in the lead role, while handling co-director and producer duties, the short follows the two relationship of two lovers while examining themes…

Atlas Genius @ El Rey Theatre 4/30/16 | Concert Photo By Derrick K. Lee

Atlas Genius Dazzles The El Rey Crowd With Their Musicality

[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] In August 2015, Atlas Genius released their sophomore album “Inanimate Objects” (Warner Brother Records). It is an album that showcases the bands ability to meld driving guitars and rhythmic synths; a trademark of these Australian indie electronic rockers. In…