Our Favorite Dispensary “The Bakerie LBC”
The mighty city of Long Beach, CA is hosting a hidden treasure. This treasure is a cannabis store, perfectly located on the corner of the 710 and PCH. I mean who doesn’t pass that way when in the LBC. Not only is it perfectly located…
Top 10 Terrifying Government Secrets That Edward Snowden Revealed
On June 6, 2013, the internet erupted when the guardian reported that the NSA, had secretly been collecting phone records from millions of Verizon customers. and just 3 days later, on june 9th, edward snowden came out and admitted he was the source of the…
15 Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
Herein we have compiled some of the most interesting psychological facts that will blow your mind! Human psychology explores the mind and behavior, and while there’s still a lot that we don’t know, there are some fascinating and surprising study findings about the secrets of…
Cinema chain offers redheads free tickets amid British heat wave
A British movie theater chain is offering free tickets to people with red hair for two days amid a heat wave in the country. Showcase Cinemas announced on its website and social media accounts that redheads can get free tickets to the movies of their choice on Monday…
Pittsburgh police rescue raccoon with head stuck in jar
Police in Pennsylvania came to the rescue of an unlucky raccoon spotted wandering with a plastic jar stuck over its head.The Pittsburgh Bureau of Police said in a Facebook post that Homicide Detective Eddie Fallert spotted the raccoon Sunday on the North Side of Pittsburgh and…
Devin The Dude Will Be In Long Beach
The legendary hip hop idol Devin The Dude will be in Long Beach this Sunday July 17th for a meet and greet at the cannabis store The Bakerie LBC. Pull up at 1pm to get some face to face time with the legend as well…
Kraftwerk Mesmerizes With a Fully Realized Audio-Visual Experience
AUSTIN, TX- Kraftwerk’s 3D tour came to Austin and left us all feeling a bit more human than ever. With the current lineup of Fritz Hilpert, Henning Schmitz, Falk Grieffenhagen, and cofounder Ralf Hütter (fellow cofounder, Florian Schneider passed away in April 2020), the pioneering…
The Grammy Museum CELEBRATes TAJ MAHAL’S 80TH BIRTHDAY With Special LIVING HISTORY LIVE Presentation
LOS ANGELES, CA- My love for music didn’t start with traditional blues… but my love for traditional blues started with Taj Mahal. It was 1996, and I had just finished my freshman year of college. During those lazy summer months, I spent time a…
How Norway Got Insanely Rich
Norway is one of the Richest Nations on Earth, but it’s not exactly obvious why. Its large quantities of oil may be your first conclusion, but most oil rich small nations suffer from severe economic and social issues. How did Norway avoid the oil curse…
Low Cut Connie Live Is Like Flying First Class
HOME PAGE | PANCHO STAGE | LEFTY STAGE LOS ANGELES, CA- “… What the holy fuck did I just walk face-first into? That’s what I asked myself when I got back to the Pancho stage where the raucous punk of a nouveau Jerry Lee…