Derrick Lee
Alyeska’s Showcase At Echo Park Rising Earns Fans [PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] For More Echo Park Rising 2017 Coverage Click Here! Echo Park, CA- “Echo Park Rising is a neighborhood event in it’s 7th year that focuses on the music, creativity, diversity and small businesses of Echo Park. There are…
Brass Box Raises The Intensity At Echo Park Rising
For More Echo Park Rising 2017 Coverage Click Here! ECHO PARK, CA- “Echo Park Rising is a neighborhood event in it’s 7th year that focuses on the music, creativity, diversity and small businesses of Echo Park. There are multiple stages and activities throughout the weekend…
The Pink Slips Shred Late Afternoon Showcase At Echo Park Rising
For More Echo Park Rising 2017 Coverage Click Here! Echo Park, CA- “Echo Park Rising is a neighborhood event in it’s 7th year that focuses on the music, creativity, diversity and small businesses of Echo Park. There are multiple stages and activities throughout the weekend…
Warpaint Casts A Dream Like Spell On Twilight Concerts [PHOTOS]
Santa Monica, CA- When Warpaint released their third studio album (“Heads Up”) in late 2016, the buzz for them was already pretty intense. With the critical success of their sophomore album, fans were pretty antsy for more music. After spending about a year and half on…
Wild Belle’s “Twilight Concerts” Performance Showed Growth [PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] Santa Monica, CA- Elliot and Natalie Bergman are Wild Belle and on August 17th, 2017, they opened up the Santa Monica Pier’s “Twilight Concerts” musical offerings. Formed in 2013, and releasing their first album “Isles”, the band…
Pete Molinari Serenades Hollywood With His Beautiful Friends [PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] Hollywood, CA- Recording artists who root their music in the past are often considered “throwbacks”, running the risk of being pigeonholed in a category that lends itself to “he sounds great but is he as good as so and…
The Big Pink Shakes Things Up At Cheetahs [PHOTOS]
HOLLYWOOD, CA- The Big Pink sure know how to throw a damn good party. Whether performing at a local music festival, a communal artist space or a nondescript, abandoned loft space, Robbie Furze and company always put on one hell of a show, and always have…
Fiona Silver Is Golden At The Standard’s “Desert Nights”
Hollywood, CA- The first thing that caught my attention was her eyes … her epically smoldering eyes. My friend, and fellow contributor, Cortney Armitage, had posted a photo on Instagram and I was instantly intrigued. Now, knowing that Cortney’s taste in music is pretty stellar,…
Collapsing Scenery Was Intensely Visceral At Cheetahs [PHOTOS]
Hollywood, CA- The odds seemed slim that I would make it to Cheetah’s in time to catch The Big Pink‘s late-night performance, but I was somehow able to traverse Hollywood in record time to get to the venue early enough to catch the last opening act:…
Ramonda Hammer Crushes House Party With “Destroyer”
LOS ANGELES, CA- This past weekend, Ramonda Hammer celebrated the release of their critically acclaimed, Rolling Stone Magazine approved, EP “Destroyers” at Echo Park Rising. But earlier in the month, Blurred Culture had the privilege of attending a special house party hosted by the band to…