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LONG BEACH, CA- When you walked into ComplexCon it is a lot to take in. The structures built across the convention center are mesmerizing and it’s no wonder why event lasts two days, because you’d need every minute to see it all.

However, this year introduced an innovative shoe release in the form of augmented reality. Sneakerheads with the ComplexCon app waited under floating boxes every hour on the hour for a chance to buy highly coveted Adidas by King Push, N.E.R.D, Dragonball Z and more. Although some buyers struggled to figure out how to unlock the virtual shoe from its box, lucky ones who were able to make a purchase took their phone to the Adidas locker upstairs. Their assigned locker unlocked with the touch of a button and alas, their exclusive sneaker was available to wear or resell.

I was able to buy the Yung-1Dragon Ball Z Frieza’s and while I thought I could resell the kicks, I have had zero luck because they did not come in their limited edition boxes. Despite some shoppers having trouble with scanning the phone, it was definitely an interesting experience to interact with a buying a shoe in that way.

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