Orange Goblin Kickstarts The Main Stage Action At Ozzfest Meets Knotfest
CLICK HERE FOR MORE THE OZZFEST MEETS KNOTFEST COVERAGE! San Bernardino, CA- Having recently announced that they were currently in the process of writing a new album slated for a Spring 2018 release, London’s Orange Goblin graced the Ozzfest Meets Knotfest to remind the folks stateside…
Superglu: So Good Live, I Had To See Them Twice At SXSW [PHOTOS+REVIEW]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] For every artist we decided to catch at SXSW, we decided to review each performance with our own version of “Five Ws and One H” answering the questions: 1) Who are they, 2) What kind of music do they…