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DIIV 8/27/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Laura June Kirsch for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By www.BlurredCulture.com.

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Zachary Cole Smith, the frontman of DIIV, has been through a lot over the past few years. Perhaps the most high profile “event” was when he and his girl friend were arrested for possession of heroin back in 2013. His girlfriend? Sky Ferreira. A lot of the music on DIIV’s newest album “Is the Is Are” sources back to the dark experiences of the past (i.e. see “Dopamine”), and during their late afternoon set at FYF, DIIV’s dark, dream pop drew a nice little crowd to the main stage.

I had heard from friends that at their recent gig at The Fonda that Zachary had rambled between songs about penises and bears. Their FYF set didn’t have much chatter and they pretty much powered through their set with Zach only taking moment to talk to the crowd to announce that they were doing a record signing at 6 at the festival’s record shop, and that we could “writer [our] complaints on a piece of paper and stick it in [our] ass”. LOL.

While their shoegazy music would have been better suited for a dusk time-slot, they had an admirable showing on the main stage. I thought that they could have had a little more stage presence, so it was a good thing that they had a cool video-clip montage playing behind them. Filled with home video clips, I noticed that a lot of the clips featured Smith’s Sky Ferreira. Clearly, she’s had a big impact on their frontman’s life (and music). Apparently, Zach wanted to make everyone at FYF know that as well.

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