Boyu Tells Madame Siam How Life In Hollywood Is With Acoustic Set
CLICK HERE To Go Back To The Main Article! LOS ANGELES, CA- “…Flasch’s second pick to join her for this evening’s festivities was the singer/songwriter Boyu. That two had worked together for the artwork of Boyu’s single “Miata Trip”, with Flasch wearing the photo…
Patti Smith Gives ACL Live A Youthful and Flawless Performance
AUSTIN, TX- The iconic and powerful Patti Smith played Austin on Saturday, May 7th right before Mother’s Day, a celebration clouded by grief for those like myself who can no longer celebrate their progenitor. Personally, this felt like the best way to commemorate it….
Polartropica Opens Up For Poppy In Los Angeles
CLICK HERE To Go Back To The Main Article! LOS ANGELES, CA- “…Opening up for Poppy was the Los Angeles-based act Polartropica. It had been a while since I caught this band fronted, and founded, by Cherise Wu, but having followed her since 2018, I…
Easy Life Had The Troubadour Crowd Singing All Night Long
LOS ANGELES, CA- It may have come out last year, but if you’re looking for an album to add to your summer rotation, I’ve got this recommendation for you: Easy Life’s “life’s a beach”. Trust me… you’ll be feeling pretty darn cool when your…
Ultra_eko drops double bill video ‘Yellow Brick Road’ and ‘Beginning Of The End’
Croydon’s Ultra_EKO might be one of the most diverse rappers coming out of the UK, and with his new double bill of videos, ‘Beginning Of The End’ and ‘Yellow Brick Road’ he proves why. Within these two pieces, he revels in his ability to hop…
DJs Kept The Party Going At HEAV3N
CLICK HERE To Go Back To The Main Article! LOS ANGELES, CA- “…While there were 5 vocalists and two dancers slated to perform throughout the evening, the responsibility of keeping the party-like atmosphere at a high was put into the hands of the various DJs…
Banoffee Performs New Music For HEAV3N
CLICK HERE To Go Back To The Main Article! LOS ANGELES, CA- “… I first learned about Banoffee back in 2014 and covered one of her performances in 2016. I’ve been keeping an eye on her since, loving the synth-centric pop music that she’s…
Lucy Loone Spits Fire For HEAV3N
CLICK HERE To Go Back To The Main Article! LOS ANGELES, CA- “…Lucy Loone is a non-binary American singer-songwriter and visual artist. I wasn’t familiar with Lucy’s music prior to learning about this HEAV3N event, but I soon discovered that Lucy had one of her…
Cottontail Performs New Solo Music off Debut Project “Murderous Melodies” + work with Lucy Loone
CLICK HERE To Go Back To The Main Article! LOS ANGELES, CA- “…Midway through Lucy’s set, they were joined on stage by Cottontail. I don’t know much about Cottontail other than that Cottontail has previously worked with Lucy and that Cottontail is a non-binary,…
Ellise Kicks Off Her Heels For Heav3N
CLICK HERE To Go Back To The Main Article! LOS ANGELES, CA- “..I first heard about Ellise when I saw the EMPIRE was distributing her recent releases. I work in music, and when I think EMPIRE, I think mostly hip-hop; not indie/alt-pop, this pairing…