Devin The Dude Shows You How To Get High
The legend Devin The Dude talks about his love of marijuana and how using Rock Nutrients Resinator improves the quality of the marijuana and allows him to smoke tastier, stickier, prettier cannabis.
New camera can see through your body
Every year it feels more and more like we are entering the age of what we imagend it would be like, well at least the technology part of that statement. Now they have created a camera the can look directly through you and see specific…
Kevin Liles & London On Da Track Find Rap’s Next Big Thing Using A Hashtag
Hollywood, CA — Reaching the masses was important to record label 300 Entertainment headed by music mogul Kevin Liles as they set out to find Hip-Hop’s newest addition. The label, home to multi-platinum acts like Migos and Fetty Wap, teamed up with Verizon and producer London On Da Track to use the unique…
High Flying Theatrics Abound At Lucha VaVoom’s Quinciñera Celebration [PHOTOS]
Los Angeles, CA- Start with High-flying masked wrestlers, add burlesque striptease, high-flying acrobatics and sprinkle comedy throughout and you’ve got the Lucha VaVOOM recipe. Celebrating 15 years at their de facto home at the historic Mayan Theater, this latest installation of Lucha VaVOOM was a…
Jimmy Kimmel’s Plan to Save Us from Trump
Jimmy Kimmel’s Plan to Save Us from Trump is actually fucking genius…
26% of people hurt themselves while grooming their pubic hair
About 26% of men and women who groom their pubic hair have been injured at least once, according to a JAMA Dermatology study published Wednesday. Of that total, 32% said that it had happened five or more times. Injuries ranged from minor ones like razor…
Obama’s response to Charlottesville violence is the most liked tweet in Twitter’s history
Unlike some former presidents, Barack Obama is showing no signs of completely abandoning public life. Since leaving office, Obama has commented on major events or controversies, including the terrorist attack in Manchester, England, and Sen. John McCain’s brain cancer diagnosis. He did so again on…
HARD Summer Celebrates 10th Anniversary With HARD Line-Up [REVIEW+PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] This piece was co-written by Justin James and Hector Vergara. San Bernardino, CA – As a 3rd year attendee of HARD Summer, one of the most popular music festivals in the SoCal region, the anticipation of the 2017 event…
Music Lovers Wear Their Faves On Their Chest At FYF [PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] Los Angeles, CA- When it comes to music festival fashions, many people, like myself, attend the musical festivities wearing t-shirts that have the logo or image of their favorite recording. At FYF this year, on each of the…
Millennials in the Workforce, A Generation of Weakness
Simon Sinek explains how the millennial generation became so entitled. A combination of failed parenting strategies, technology, impatience and environment have created a wave of young people who can’t hack it in the real world.